BC Water Sector Workforce Profile Study
24 April 2015The BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) and the Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) have commissioned a study to examine labour market supply and demand of the BC water sector, which includes both water and wastewater operations. The goal of the study is to confirm whether or not there is a shortage of workers in this sector and identify which parts of the province are experiencing a shortage now and in the next five years. R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (Malatest), an independent research firm, has been contracted to conduct a survey of employers, interviews with key informants, and a focus group with employers on behalf of the BCWWA and the EOCP. These research activities will be conducted between late March and early June 2015. Funding for this project is provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement.
Findings will be presented in a report. An advisory group consisting of industry representatives and stakeholders in the water sector will provide expert input and guidance to ensure the findings will be relevant and actionable. The results of the study will be available in late June 2015.